Polygon New808token (P808) Release
Finally, we are releasing Polygon New808token (P808), a contract locking New808coin into the Polygon blockchain. The reason for releasing Polygon New808token (P808) is our NFT project will be on Polygon and P808 will be utility token.
Now New808token is the bridge between 5 blockchains they are New808coin blockchain, Ethereum, Tron, Binance and Polygon.
New808token (P808) is also made up of two components: the New808coin locked wallets that hold N808 coins and the Polygoin ERC-20 smart-contract that emits and puts into circulation a corresponding amount of tokens we have called New808token. The technology is completely transparent: users are welcome to examine the publicly displayed ERC-20 smart contract online. Everyone can observe the N808 locked wallet balance as well as the most recent transfers to it in real-time from N808 explorer.
Initial lock is 1,000,000 New808coins so 1,000,000 Polygon New808token (P808) has been created. Polygon New808token (P808) can be created by only NFTs that are lock on Dapp.
Everyone can see the total circulating supply of the P808 token with the smart contract.
We are excited to see Polygon New808token (P808) come to life and welcome everyone to share this experience with us and take advantage of this new instrument.
Polygon ERC-20 smart-contract (P808): https://polygonscan.com/token/0x9fb83691d9fc7fca4739d05cb8402c3e273a50eb
Traditional New808coin (N808): https://new808.tk/wallets
Best regards,
New808coin Team